Meet Patricia Petralba, M.D. - A Holistic Health Physician currently practicing in Tucson, Arizona
Ever since she was a young girl, Dr. Patricia Petralba has been interested in preventive and curative healing through natural medicine. She is a board certified Family Physician. She received her training in Family Medicine from University of Pittsburgh. She is a graduate of Integrative Medicine Fellowship from University of Arizona under the direction of Dr. Andrew Weil. She has a special interest in mind body medicine, stress reduction, medical acupuncture, women’s health, and weight management.
Recognizing conventional medicine’s culture of segregation, she strives to bridge this gap between specialized practitioners by combining natural, holistic with cutting edge conventional medicine. She honors her indigenous roots back in the Philippines by seeking healers and inquiring about traditional medicine.
She is committed to inspire all individuals to lead healthier lives. Her medical practice is inquiry-driven. She aspires to exemplify its integrative principles by committing herself to self-exploration and self-development.
Aside from enjoying natural motherhood to her children (Ka’iya, Aro and Dawn) and being a wife to her loving husband Jay, she loves spending time in nature, reading, playing with her dog and traveling.

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