Join the Health Revolution happening at Thrive Life Center

You deserve to THRIVE. Join the healthcare revolution happening at Thrive Life Center.
Step outside the broken healthcare system. Get the care you deserve at a fair, transparent price.
This is healthcare like you’ve never experienced it. 
It’s like having a doctor in the family.

It’s clear that the current system doesn’t care about providing great care. Have you ever scheduled an appointment months in advance, only to sit in the waiting room for an hour, followed by an unsatisfying 10 minute doctor visit? That’s par for the course these days.

Thrive Life offers Direct primary care, or DPC for short, is a simple idea that solves a very complex problem.

DPC is different.

As a DPC patient, you forge a relationship with a doctor that knows you.

How is this possible? By cutting insurance out of the picture. Insurance is fundamentally incompatible with providing comprehensive, compassionate care.